​​​Visual Artist 

​Lara Haddad

لارَا حَـدّاد

Every day there are titles in the newspaper about natural disasters, epidemics and wars that are happening in faraway places. As a child, to make this news easier for me to digest, I convinced myself that maybe these faraway places didn’t actually exist or that those people are definitely less fragile than we are and can handle bad situations much better than we would do. One day those headlines moved on the map and became very close! close enough that I could witness them from my window! The names of the cities in the headlines are now familiar; and the faces of the people in the photos look very similar to my face!

Like most Syrians, I was upset with the world because no one was helping us in our nightmare! The world was so indifferent!

After 2 years, I moved away so once again, the headlines are happening in faraway places but this time I cannot pretend that they don’t exist.

Just another newspaper